You have the choice of the following financial contributions:
Friends of Astona
As a "Friend" of Astona, you have the possibility to make a small contribution towards the futures of excellent young music students. You will help Astona to continue to be a goal and an inspiration for these young people. We are grateful for every donation.
Friend (single person) from CHF 100
Pair (Partner or two family-members) from CHF 150
Businesses from CHF 300
Donors from CHF 500
As a mentor, you assume the full tuition of CHF 2'100 for a student and enjoy the opportunity of a personal acquaintance through attending private instruction. At the same time, you are supporting Astona as an institution. Conceivably, you might want to commit to an extended support of a student who will attend Astona regularly in the future.
Account information
Credit Suisse AG 8070 Zurich, Switzerland
Clearing-No. 4835 / BIC CRESCHZZ80A
Holder of account: Verein Astona, 6317
Oberwil, Switzerland
IBAN: CH06 0483 5142 1468 5000 0