Review of Astona International 2024

The 36th Astona International was extraordinary


Astona 2024 was outstanding in all ways. The level of our students was the highest it has ever been, thus enabling really wonderful performances: solo, chamber music and orchestra. There were 34 students from 21 nations. The amazing quality and participation of our students and teachers and the brilliant results were impressive and heart-warming,


Some of our most outstanding students were presented in the Gala (St. Johannes Kirche, Zug), notably violinist Jayda Lu, age 12, playing the Carmen Fantasy of Sarasate,  a wonderful rendition of the Ravel Quartet played by our older players (Mariia Kostogryz, Violin, Ukraine, Mark Lewin, Violin, Germany, Norea Quirijnen, Viola, Holland, and Louis Hirst, Cello, Switzerland) as well as the brilliant orchestra uniting all the students in a breathtaking performance of Tchaikovsky’s Serenade for Strings, conducted by Joonas Pitkaenen. Standing ovations expressed the overwhelming enthusiasm of the large public. 


Our musical curriculum was enhanced again this year by pre-organised open discussions between teachers and students on several occasions. These were received with enthusiasm by the students, who enjoyed having their thoughts and questions openly expressed and discussed by everyone, including the teachers. 


Unfortunately, Detlef Hahn was not able to take his place of many years due to illness. We were fortunate and grateful that his wife Ruth  (violinist employed by both Guildhall in London and Chethams in Manchester) came in his stead. 

We had to say good-bye at the end of the course to our wonderful cello teacher of 19 years, Francis Gouton.  He feels it is time to turn his attention to his new granddaughter, and we understand. A large bottle of very good Swiss wine, along with some tears, was presented to him at our good-bye meeting with all teachers and students on the last day. We have already found a replacement for next year.


The general atmosphere at Astona was one of openness, interaction, affection, interest, enthusiasm and availability on the part of everyone.This also applied to those responsible at Sonnenberg, who were not only there for us at all times, but also expressed great interest in and support for what Astona is and does. 


Nancy Chumachenco, Director

Some feedbacks from the students

I had a wonderful time at Astona and I’ve learned so many things! About music and the music professional life, but also about myself, my instrument, and about other people’s perspectives. All of the lessons, both chamber music and solo lessons, were amazing. And the orchestra was very fun and motivating.
Violin student (f) from Sweden (16)


I learned so much from Astona, playing both chamber music and orchestra every day is something I miss in my daily life and helps me tremendously. I feel very grateful to have taken part in Astona again. Thank you!  Violin student (f) from France (20). 4th time at Astona


It was one of the best music experiences of my life filled with good concerts and fantastic lessons! The location and management were astonishing as well! Thanks a lot. Violin student (m) from Germany (14)


What I love about the concept in Astona is that we not only focus on improving our musical skills. The super-teachers triggered and challenged us to really think about yourself in connection with the music and the world around us. Listening to and interacting with the others made me develop my own thoughts and feelings during Astona. I feel like I really have grown, as human being and as a musician and this is giving me wings. Thank you so much for the opportunity you have given me and I hope to come next year again. Viola student (f) from the Netherlands (19)


It’s a lifetime experience to be here and a way to learn a lot in two weeks. Not only through the lessons but also in social aspects. I like it how Astona is a real community where it is important to understand each other and not to play “better” than everyone else.  Viola student (f) from Germany (15). 2nd time at Astona


Astona has been one of the greatest experiences in my life. I have been there four times. I met some of my closest friends there and my spectacular teacher. The faculty at Astona always genuinely tried to advise me and support me. I will forever be grateful for the time I spent at Astona!  Violin student (m) from USA (15). 4th time at Astona


I had such a wonderful time at Astona and I have enjoyed every activity and performance so thank you so much for all the opportunities.

Violin student (f) from Hongkong (18)


We have fond memories of our time at Astona. We learnt a lot, had great encounters and a lot of fun. Many thanks. Violin (f, 16) and cello student (m, 14) from Berlin